Makes Traveling and Sleeping Comfortable with Coachmen Prism 2250 for Sale in WI

Do you often remain tired and uncomfortable while traveling? Well, you can feel comfortable if you buy coachmen prism 2250 for sale in WI. It is very easy to drive and, at the same time, looks very stylish. Now, you must be curious to know what features make it so comfortable for traveling. Know about its features, and you will have a keen interest in buying it. 

Features of Coachmen Prism 2250 for Sale in WI

The features that make coachmen prism 2250 for sale in WI so comfortable for you include the following: 

  • Queen Bed

  • Rear Slide

  • Private Toilet & Shower

  • Booth Dinette

  • Serenity Ash Cabinet Doors

  • Cab-Over Bunk

  • Outside Entertainment Center

The DS class C diesel motor of coachmen prism 2250 makes your traveling and sleeping comfortable. From the rear queen bed slide to the cab-over bunk and booth and dinette slide out for the kids or grandkids, it makes people of all age groups comfortable during the journey. The private toilet and shower allow you to stay outside of the bath door to wash your hands or brush your teeth in the single sink. The cook can make meals with the range and residential-size microwave, and the counter extension provides more serving space. This recreational vehicle is the perfect solution for both long and short trips.

The Prism class C diesel motor is luxurious, easy to drive, and stylish. The pilot and passenger seats recline and rotate for more seating in the living area, and the Congoleum Designer Carefree flooring is beautiful and easy to clean. Its Onan 3.6KW LP generator, the kitchen, and the bedroom 110V and 12V charging stations will keep everything up and running. So, you can easily choose comfort with luxury while traveling either to close events, weekend getaways, or long trips in a Prism.

At PROSSER’S PREMIUM RV OUTLET, we are one of the best forest river RV dealers in Wisconsin. We have coachmen prism 2250 for sale. We take pride in having the right RV for your comfortable and enjoyable journey in our showroom, located in Sturtevant, Wisconsin. We have a large selection of new and old RVs in the Milwaukee area. You can contact us today to schedule a showing. 

Briefly Put!

If you want to stay comfortable while traveling, buy coachmen prism 2250 for sale in WI. This recreational vehicle has amazing features and looks stylish to enhance the pleasure of your journey. In addition, it is easy to drive, and you need no training to drive it.  


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